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Этот бар находится неподалеку от Casa Museo Accademia d’Armi Musumeci Greco. Большинство гостей указывают на то, что в Dakota Caffè Restaurant предлагают вкусную пиццу. Закажите неплохой кофе.

Клиенты отрицательно отзываются о персонале. По отзывам посетителей, сервис здесь отличный. Гости этого места заявляют, что цены тут низкие. Вы обязательно оцените очаровательную атмосферу и впечатляющий интерьер, но посетители невысоко оценили это заведение на Google.

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Низкие цены. Приятная атмосфера
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Frozen pizza, frozen pastas. You cant ask for more. I tried to sneak a peek at the kitchen saw no stove running just the microwaves. Food serve cant be called food. Worst food
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I was on my way from one tourist site (the Pantheon) to another (Trevi Fountain) following a labeled route when I passed in front of this small hole in the wall. Originally intrigued by their takeout menu for beer and cocktails, I took a look at the menu and decided that it would be better to have something to eat than to get liquored up at 1PM.

There were no tourists to be seen inside the restaurant, even though the (mostly pedestrian) street in front was heavily trafficked by our ilk. There was a local family of about 15, probably representing 4 generations.

I was provided with service quickly, and although it appears that none of the staff speaks much English, the waitress did an admirable job of trying.

I had an olive tartinade bruschetta. The tartinade was very salty (to be expected) and delicious, although the bread was over toasted and difficult to chew. I followed that with a bowl of spaghetti coccia e pepe (pecorino cheese and pepper) that was heavenly. The pasta was homemade and fresh. The bill was probably the most reasonable I have seen on this trip, given the quantity and quality.

A downside to the whole experience was the washroom, which was horrifying.
Американская, Пицца, Фастфуд
Может быть закрыт навсегда
€€ Стоимость на одного гостя €11 - €20
Dakota Caffè Restaurant на карте
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Via del Seminario, 111
Рим, Лацио, Италия
Via del Seminario, 111, Рим, Лацио, Италия
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