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Избранное из меню Bar Caffetteria Ladina

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
  • - highly praised by multiple users for its homemade quality.
  • - described as very tasty.
  • Bombardino

    - listed alongside hot chocolate as a delicious drink option.
  • - vaguely described, but noted as delicious.
  • Duet of Speck and Cheese Dumplings

    - praised for their quality and the use of genuine products.
  • Slow Roasted Pork Knuckle

    - a standout dish for its tenderness and flavorful slow roasting.
  • Mixed Fry

    - surprised one user with its excellence.
  • - served with complimentary chips and peanuts.

Блюда и напитки в Bar Caffetteria Ladina


вино кордиал ликёр домашнее вино кофе


дукка вяленая подкопченная ветчина бекон мясо бульон суп антипасто свинина сыр сэндвичи полента соус сальса паста говядина морской черт рыба рагу паппарделле комплето итальяно мезе татарский бифштекс лосось вареники оленина карпаччо