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Избранное из меню Bistr'AU de Jérôme Nutile

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Visitors rate the price/quality ratio of this restaurant as reasonable. Some found it worth every penny while others thought that the prices were no longer justified due to a perceived drop in quality over time.
  • Catering service for a New Year's Eve

    - the dishes were delicious with a careful presentation and easy reheating instructions.
  • Pumpkin cream soup with chestnuts

    - this dish was part of a very nice dinner at the restaurant.
  • Veal Blanquette crisp

    - another part of the praised dinner, this dish is worth trying.
  • - despite some reviews stating it was dry, it was also part of a well-received dinner.
  • Daily specials

    - these change regularly showcasing the research done on different dishes. They have never disappointed one of the reviewers.
  • French gastronomy and cooked dishes

    - these were described as excellent.
  • Food at Bistr’au

    - the food and wine here were very good for a reasonable price.

Блюда и напитки в Bistr'AU de Jérôme Nutile

Особенности ресторана

обед вежливый персонал удобное расположе­ние винная карта ужин день рождения отличный сервис


парфе торты кексы апельсиновый десерт пралине суфле мусс печенье макарон che апельсиновый парфе десерт из манго бриоши


кофе вино виски шампанское белое вино кир ликёр кордиал