
Terzo Crotto Меню

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Избранное из меню Terzo Crotto

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio is generally rated as good, though some visitors found the prices high and the addition of a cover charge excessive. However, most reviewers agreed that the quality of the food justifies the prices.
  • 3-way cooked crispy herbed chicken with roasted vegetables

    - a highly recommended dish, praised for its taste and presentation.
  • Lasagna

    - the highlight of the evening for one reviewer, it's noted for its perfect portion size and delicious taste.
  • Melon, prosciutto and figs

    - a fantastic starter that was really enjoyed by the diners.
  • - another great starter option, appreciated for its freshness and taste.
  • Fresh fish cooked on the lake

    - a unique experience and a must-try for seafood lovers.
  • - a star dish, loved by many reviewers who have tried almost everything on the menu.
  • Chocolate brownie and vanilla ice cream

    - a delightful dessert to finish off your meal.
  • Cooked pizza

    - recommended by a reviewer who had dined there twice.
  • - a part of the varied menu that caters to all tastes, praised for its amazing taste.
  • Bottle wines

    - the restaurant has an extensive wine list ranging from €100 to €600 per bottle. They also have €40 bottles and can accommodate requests for a glass of wine.
  • High-level bottle of wine

    - accompanied a meal for two, adding to the overall dining experience.

Блюда и напитки в Terzo Crotto


парфе торты флан тирамису мороженое


стейки ризотто рыба мясо антипасто морской окунь креветки свинина фуа-гра птица татарский бифштекс бульон стейк из филе спагетти прошутто говядина грибы телятина лазанья осьминоги морепродукты салаты суп грибной салат салат «Капрезе» пармиджано лосось тартар трюфели равиоли сыр амюз-буш оссобуко курица овощи на гриле паста ризотто с грибами телятина по-милански колбаски мысыр пармезан осьминог на гриле комплето итальяно пармиджана ньокки фокачча бекон каннелони соус сальса говяжье филе сибас