
Adler Adelboden Меню

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Избранное из меню Adler Adelboden

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant seems to be mixed. While some visitors found the food to be excellent and worth the price, others felt that certain offerings, such as the breakfast, were overpriced.
  • Hot Stone

    - this dish has been praised for its delicious sauce and side dishes.
  • - a must-try for its fast service and fine taste.
  • Stone Beef 200g

    - a large portion of beef steak that has been described as delicious.
  • Large Chicken Breast

    - served with a curry sauce, this dish is said to be moist and flavorful, likely due to being prepared sous vide.
  • Breakfast Buffet

    - the breakfast at this restaurant has been called 'absolutely perfect' and 'very, very fine'.
  • Lunch Menu

    - said to be quite good, with modern and tasty dishes. The homemade ice tea is also recommended.
  • Fitnessteller mit Pouletbrust (Fitness plate with chicken breast)

    - this dish was described as top-notch, with satisfactory portion sizes.
  • Chicken Cracks mit Pommes (Chicken Cracks with fries)

    - another dish that received positive reviews for its taste and portion size.

Блюда и напитки в Adler Adelboden

Особенности ресторана

обед красивый вид отличный сервис ужин завтрак вежливый персонал удобное расположе­ние на свежем воздухе уютная атмосфера винная карта


пиво кофе вино эспрессо


дукка мясо фондю рёшти суп говядина татарский бифштекс салаты кордон блю kama братвурст гамбургеры бургеры стейки колбаски паста биссара птица курица мясо ягнёнка бефстроганов сыр шницели равиоли качамак картофель фри свинина венский шницель рыба op la суп карри морепродукты тартар рехта спагетти комплето итальяно