В этом ресторане стоит попробовать блюда японской кухни. Вы найдете здесь вкусный поке, роллы и суп. В Ai Sushi Go впечатляющий сервис. Здесь подают блюда по низким ценам.
ПонедельникПн | 11:00-19:30 |
ВторникВт | 11:00-19:30 |
СредаСр | 11:00-19:30 |
ЧетвергЧт | 11:00-19:30 |
ПятницаПт | 11:00-19:30 |
СубботаСб | 11:00-19:30 |
ВоскресеньеВс | Закрыт |
Take out base, but can stay-- sushi is on the plate,not container. good place to visit every week.
DOWN - Walk up to give your order. No washroom. Walk up to receive your order. Nothing on the tables. Bring your tweezers, they have the worst chopsticks I've ever seen.
OUT - Normally I try rate my likes or dislikes based on the food itself, but this place just has too many small things going against it that don't weigh out the sushi - Which is nothing to write home about to begin with.