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Избранное из меню Alexandre Restaurante

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Most reviews indicate that the price is fair for the quantity and quality of food served, although some reviewers felt that certain dishes were overpriced or lacking in flavor.
  • Shrimp Meal

    - although the portion size is large enough for 3 or 4 people, the reviews indicate that it is a delicious and filling choice.
  • Dish for Two

    - this dish is praised for being well-served and ample enough for 4 people, making it a great value option.
  • Pepper Sauce

    - a standout for its wonderful flavor, this sauce is recommended as an accompaniment to any dish.
  • Black Chopp

    - this drink is highly praised as the best one reviewer has ever had, making it a must-try for beer lovers.
  • Fried Portuguese Hake

    - despite mixed reviews, some diners might still want to give this fish dish a try. The portion size is mentioned as being generous.
  • Shrimp Risotto

    - although one reviewer found it lacking in flavor, others might still find it worth trying due to its inclusion of shrimp.