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Избранное из меню Restaurante Alquimia

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is generally rated as very good. The food is described as high-quality, delicious, and served in good quantities, while the prices are considered fair and competitive compared to other establishments of the same level. Despite some drinks being served with common ice that melts and dilutes the drink, the overall experience is still highly rated.
  • Vegan Pizza

    - highly recommended by multiple reviewers for its mind-blowing taste.
  • Vegan Fondue

    - praised for the quality of the vegan "cheese" and its accompaniments.
  • - described as wonderful, this dish offers a surprising flavor experience.
  • Risoto de Beterraba

    - this beet risotto is a satisfying lunch option.
  • Baião de dois

    - another highly recommended lunch dish.
  • Risoto de Funghi

    - a tasty vegetarian option.
  • Vegan Snack

    - mentioned as delicious, but no specific details were given.
  • Vegan Sweets

    - complimented for their elaborate presentation.
  • Original Drinks

    - although they lean towards the sweet side, they are praised as being tasty and refreshing.
  • - praised in general for their exceptional taste.