
Bourbon Street Grill

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После прогулки у Church of the Holy Trinity вы можете заглянуть в Bourbon Street Grill неподалёку. В этом месте представлены блюда каджунской и креольской кухонь. В этом заведении подают аппетитную курицу. Закажите неплохой бурбон.

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This place really hooks you up on big portions. They try to stuff in as much food as possible into the containers - I like that because I got a big appetite. The selection of different meats, sauces and seasonings is really nice to have, everything is made great. Can't complain. Quick, fast, tasty.
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Hi I used to work here and the food was absolutely disgusting, not even that, the girls that worked there were so fake to your face, they lied that I was going to the bathroom and going on my phone and sleeping on the job when there are cctv's and I've worked multiple waitress jobs that I left and not get fired from.
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Bourbon Street Grill is like the relationship in your life that you try so hard to keep but it just disappoints you and disappoints you that you need to remove the relationship altogether from your life. I have been to this location probably 4-5x after months of hiatus and every time I go back I end up telling myself after the 3rd bite..why did I let you come back into my life? Why didn't I look elsewhere and give someone else a chance? When you walk by this location your eyes draw right to the big line ups, the assortment of delicious meat piled up high, cut in little perfect bits and the options look endless..so you put yourself in line..eagerly waiting to get to the front where the lady will ask you what would you like? and so you try and look at your options to decide..but you can't because the line is too big so you have to take the bourbon chicken and decide on what side. Your meal then gets packed into the large white containers so you know you won't be disappointed..you get to the front and you pay for your meal and rush to find a seat in the food court. Then..you option your container begin chowing down...and wow......what have you done? It tastes terrible! Today I got the jambalaya rice and bourbon chicken and although it looked SO appetizing..it tasted bland..it tastes terrible..I love meat and thought I could just chow down the meat at least but not even that. I disappointingly closed my take out container and tossed it out. How could a place be so deceiving? They make it all look so damn great but it does not live up to par. If you are looking for something to eat..save the cash..go to Jimmys or Thai Island..or Arbys even!? I completely agree with a previous review that their bourbon chicken just tastes like Carribean Queens island chicken but the difference is Carribean Queen is better..so take that escalator up and wait for the 4 way cross walk at Yonge and Dundas and hurry up there to get Carribean Queen instead because at least your food will have flavour..it will taste better! Do it...do not come here my friends, please..I am telling you..move on..move forward..you can do so so much better.
График работы не указан
$$$$ Стоимость на одного гостя до CAD 10
220 Yonge St, M5B
Торонто, Онтарио, Канада
220 Yonge St, Торонто, Онтарио, Канада, M5B
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