
Buga Buga Меню

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Избранное из меню Buga Buga

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Mixed reviews. Some visitors find the prices fair and the food excellent, while others consider it overpriced for the quality offered.
  • Gourmet Pizzas

    - highly praised by multiple reviewers for their excellent taste, making them a must-try.
  • Aperitifs

    - many patrons recommend trying the aperitifs, highlighting them as an excellent choice for both lunch and dinner.
  • Niçoise Salad

    - described as "unmissable" and "exquisite", this salad is highly recommended by visitors.
  • Pasta Carbonara and Linguine with Clams

    - despite some negative comments about pasta dishes, these two were specifically mentioned as part of a favourite meal.
  • - another dish that was part of a favourite meal, indicating its high quality.
  • Stuzzichis with Cocktails

    - recommended to stick to classic cocktails like Spritz, Negroni or Americano, which are served with fine Stuzzichis.
  • Pinsa

    - briefly mentioned by a reviewer, but in a positive light.
  • Café and Cappuccino

    - praised for their excellent taste, they are a great choice for breakfast along with cream brioches and freshly squeezed orange juice.
  • Zuppa di Caciucco (Fish Soup)

    - highly recommended by a reviewer who found it phenomenal.

Блюда и напитки в Buga Buga

Особенности ресторана

удобное расположе­ние ужин отличный сервис обед живая музыка вежливый персонал на свежем воздухе уютная атмосфера


дукка рыба пицца паста мясо салаты морепродукты тостовый хлеб тартар спагетти татарский бифштекс антипасто морской черт пирог с мясом гамбургеры тапас макароны перья осьминоги тунец стейки чайро бульон сэндвичи суп фокачча бургеры сыр свинина макароны кауса террин паштет качамак буза говядина пицца с морепродуктами