
Cafe Greco Меню

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The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Visitors find the price/quality ratio to be on the high side, with some dishes being a bit pricey outside the weekday schedule. However, the $20 weekday deals were seen as worth it most of the time due to the nice atmosphere, complimentary drink and side.
  • Saganaki Prawns

    - reviewers have praised this dish for its delicious flavor.
  • Oyster Kirkpatrick

    - this dish has been highly recommended by customers.
  • Meat Platter

    - despite some negative reviews, many customers still enjoyed the meat platter.
  • - a customer had a fantastic meal with steak.
  • - the beef ribs received a perfect rating from a customer.
  • - the garlic prawns and the sauce and rice it comes with were highlighted as incredible.
  • Mixed Meat on Plate

    - this dish was rated highly for its good flavor, though some found the meat slightly dry.