Catacomb 435 Меню

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The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
As for the price/quality ratio, opinions seem to be mixed. Some visitors believe that the quality and uniqueness of the cocktails justify the high prices (around $18-$20 per cocktail), while others feel dissatisfied considering the cost. However, the overall consensus leans towards positive, with many guests praising the exceptional service, creative drinks, and enjoyable atmosphere.
  • "Dealers Choice" Cocktails

    - these custom drinks are a highlight, showcasing the bartender's creativity and expertise in mixology. You choose a base spirit and two taste characteristics, and the bartender crafts a unique cocktail for you.
  • Pirates of the Caribbean

    - this standout cocktail was specifically highlighted by one visitor as the coolest drink they've ever had.
  • Orange with Cinnamon

    - although not a main dish, this simple food item was highly praised and considered worth trying.