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Этот ресторан понравится ценителям итальянской кухни. В Cinquanta вам приготовят хорошую пасту, морского окуня и морепродукты. Закажите неплохое вино.

В этом месте уютная атмосфера. С точки зрения посетителей, персонал здесь профессиональный. Роскошный сервис - большой плюс этого заведения. По словам клиентов, в этом ресторане средние цены. Гости Cinquanta отмечают, что здесь замечательный интерьер. Это место имеет оценку 4.5 в рейтинговой системе Google.

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Tomaso Z X Macini Запросить удаление информации
Because it’s permanently closed how can you recommend something that it’s not open!!!!!!!
Paul Freeman Запросить удаление информации
Very Friendly.
Stella Martin Запросить удаление информации
Because we left it too late to get a table at our restaurant of choice we settled for Cinquanta. The manager /owner found us a table even though he was apparently "fully booked" at 8pm. No prices on the menu so we decided on the sea bass. We waited and we waited and it finally arrived. Overcooked Seabass on semi warm mashed potatoes wrapped in totally bland pointless courgette on a split fluorescent pepper sauce. The very middle of the mash was hot which made me think the food had obviously been microwaved. We asked for cheese and biscuits, you can't really get that wrong ? We waited another half hour , presumably someone had been sent to locate the nearest goat to milk it and make chesse . We were presented with a few different crumbled cheeses only enough for one person camouflaged by a pile of crackers to make the roof tile look full. A few glasses of house wine and a bill for over £80 needless to say we won't be going back there and by the way, the fully booked restaurant still had about 5 empty tables when we left at 10pm.
$$$$ Стоимость на одного гостя £26 - £39
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Сидкап, Англия, Великобритания
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