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Избранное из меню Circle Japan Grocery & Cafe

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio at this restaurant is considered very good. Despite being an import store, customers find the prices reasonable and the quality of food and drink exceptional.
  • Baked Goods

    - the restaurant is known for its delicious baked goods, and the owner is often praised for her generosity.
  • Japanese Frozen Treats

    - the frozen section is highly recommended, with unique and hard-to-get ingredients.
  • Sake

    - this traditional Japanese beverage is part of their excellent selection and worth trying.
  • Japanese Snacks

    - many reviewers praise the wide variety of snacks available, perfect for both cooking and snacking.
  • Japanese Rice and Pickles

    - these staples are a must-try for anyone interested in authentic Japanese cuisine.
  • Japanese Ice Cream

    - a unique treat that's not often found elsewhere.
  • Noodles and Curry

    - these popular dishes are part of the restaurant's fantastic selection of Japanese goods.
  • Eel and Nato

    - these are some of the unique items on offer, especially recommended for those looking to try something different.
  • - another classic Japanese dish that is highly rated by visitors.