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После посещения Clovermead Apiaries зайдите пообедать в Clovermead. Гости утверждают, что персонал в этом месте замечательный. Впечатляющий сервис - большой плюс этого заведения. Многие считают, что цены здесь демократичные. Оценка Clovermead 4.8 на Google.

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And I couldn’t help but reflect on the experience with my grandson. We have lived in both Canada and Australia with an extended stay in Britain as parents as you kids. And we were very active in seeking out activities on day trips and extended trips. We’ve been to Disney World, Epcot Centre, Canada’s Wonderland and everything in between with our kids. This is not the vision of Clovermead but the realization of what my experience has been regarding Clovermead vs all these other experiences. And it is my belief that Clovermead is the clear #1 spot in wholesome fun, freedom and comfort (shade and seating everywhere for us older folks) to enjoy for families with young children (2-10/11 years old) in the world. Period.
16 дней назад
Ah thanks Joe for the wonderful comments on your experience here. Come back again anytime!
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Awesome selection of honey. It's worth the drive out. They also have an adventure farm for the kids.
16 дней назад
We are glad to hear you like our selection of honey! thanks for the recommendation! Chris
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Instead of gifts & parties for our children's birthdays, we take them on outings & Clovermead Adventure Farm knocked it out of the park this year for our 2 year old. We were there for 5 hours but there is so much to see & do that we are already planning a return trip. There is no shortage of seating for adults & there is always a surprise around every new corner. Our family's favorites were the Apple Tree Climb, Goatel 6, the Barrel Ride, the Building Blocks & Jordan's Forts. Every kids needs to experience this place, it's just a blast!
18 дней назад
Wow! You sound like a super mom. Giving your kids outings and family experiences. We are glad you found us. See you around on the farm. Thank you from our family to yours.
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₽₽ Стоимость на одного гостя CAD 14 - CAD 34
11302 Imperial Rd
Эйлмер, Онтарио, Канада
11302 Imperial Rd, Эйлмер, Онтарио, Канада
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