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Избранное из меню Restaurante Colibri

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is generally rated as fair or reasonable. Most reviewers found the food to be good and the prices affordable. However, there were some negative comments about the freshness of the food and the quality of service.
  • Sirloin on the Stone

    - reviewers have described this dish as "wonderful". It seems to be a standout option at this restaurant.
  • Almond and Carob Afternoon

    - this dessert comes highly recommended, with one user describing it as "divine".
  • Veal (Vittela)

    - this dish has been specifically recommended by a user who enjoyed their meal.
  • Meat on a Stake

    - this dish is prepared in an original way and has been described as "delicious".
  • - one reviewer claimed this dish is "to die for", suggesting it is a must-try.
  • Steak on the Stone

    - this dish was praised for its deliciousness, especially when enjoyed on the restaurant's cozy terrace.
  • Pork with Clams (Carne de Porco com Amêijoas)

    - a user enjoyed this dish, recommending it for those who prefer meat over seafood.
  • - despite a mix-up with the order, this dish was still described as tasty.
  • Americain Coffee

    - this was recommended by a user who learned to order it during their visit.
  • - described as "divine", this drink comes highly recommended by a user.

Блюда и напитки в Restaurante Colibri


мороженое парфе


просекко кофе сангрия белое вино чай со льдом пиво чай домашнее вино вино


мясо дукка стейки рыба морепродукты op la кальмары жареная рыба-меч меч-рыба шашлык по-португальски каракатицы морской черт шашлык свинина телятина креветки моллюски говядина татарский бифштекс тунец котлеты птица котлеты из ягненка сыр мясо ягнёнка cтейк барбекю рис лазанья салаты стейк в перце стейк из тунца утка террин салат со стейком паштет королевские креветки лосось стейк из филе морской окунь кебаб ютяо биссара путо салат с латуком