
Gasthof Kohlern

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Фотография Gasthof Kohlern
Фотография Gasthof Kohlern
Фотография Gasthof Kohlern
Фотография Gasthof Kohlern
Фотография Gasthof Kohlern
Фотография Gasthof Kohlern
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Попробуйте здесь итальянскую кухню. В этом ресторане обязательно закажите хорошую антипасто, качамак и тальятелле. Если верить гостям, здесь вкусное вино, кордиал и боза. В Kohlern стоит заказать неплохой капучино.

В этом месте есть терраса, где вы можете чудесно провести время на свежем воздухе. С точки зрения клиентов, персонал здесь компетентный. Быстрый сервис - большой плюс этого заведения. Многим гостям нравится очаровательная атмосфера. Этот ресторан имеет рейтинг 4.4 на Google.

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Алина Кирпиченко Запросить удаление информации
Очень уютное место ! Всем советую !
2 года назад
Thank you very much
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Michael Krämer Запросить удаление информации
We spent our honeymoon at the Gasthof Kohlern and were completely thrilled. When we checked in, the host gave us a free upgrade to one of the new refuge rooms, which made us very happy. The room was absolutely beautiful, super equipped and had a great view from the balcony and the lounger window frame. We were mostly able to enjoy breakfast and the multi-course evening meals on the terrace and the quality of the food and wine on offer was great. The small but nice spa area also completely convinced us. Thank you for the great stay! Rooms: 5 Service: 5 Location: 5 Hotel highlights: Great view, Romantic, Quiet
12 дней назад
Dear Krämer family, Thank you very much for the great rating and the great feedback. We wish you a wonderful time together and we would be happy to share the special …Dear Krämer family, Thank you very much for the great rating and the great feedback. We wish you a wonderful time together and we would be happy to share the special #gasthofkohlern moments with you again soon. With kind regards, The Cristina & Josef Schrott family with 20 dedicated employees.More
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Judith Winter Запросить удаление информации
We stayed at the Gasthof Kohlern for a perfect short vacation. The location is beautiful and quiet with incredible views of the mountains and Bolzano. The hotel is so lovingly designed that we felt right at home. The staff are incredibly friendly and attentive and create a relaxed atmosphere. The food is consistently very good, some dishes are fantastic! We felt very comfortable and are already thinking about when we will come next time! Rooms: 5 Service: 5 Location: 5
месяц назад
Dear Ms. Winter, Thank you very much for your great rating and positive feedback. We are very pleased that you enjoyed your time with us so much. …Dear Ms. Winter, Thank you very much for your great rating and positive feedback. We are very pleased that you enjoyed your time with us so much. We wish you a wonderful time and we would be happy to share the special #gasthofkohlern moments with you again soon. With kind regards, The Cristina & Josef Schrott family with 20 dedicated employees More
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Итальянская, Подходит для вегетарианцев
ЗакрытоОткроется в 12:00
€€ Стоимость на одного гостя €13 - €48
Via al Colle, 11
Больцано, Трентино — Альто-Адидже, Италия
Via al Colle, 11, Больцано, Трентино — Альто-Адидже, Италия
Возможна оплата картами Нет доставки Веранда Wi-Fi Нет услуги 'еда навынос' Парковка Бронирование столиков Нет ТВ Доступ для кресел-каталок
Режим работы
ПонедельникПн Закрыт
ВторникВт 12:00-14:00
СредаСр 12:00-14:00
ЧетвергЧт 12:00-14:00
ПятницаПт 12:00-14:00
СубботаСб 12:00-14:00
ВоскресеньеВс 12:00-14:00
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