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Избранное из меню Ristorante Della Villa Restaurant

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The reviews indicate that the price is a bit high, but most users find it reasonable for the quality of food. Some reviews mention good value, particularly for the gluten-free pizzas. However, one review suggests there might be different prices for locals and tourists.
  • - many reviewers praised the pizza for its light dough and generous fillings. One reviewer also mentioned excellent gluten-free pizza options.
  • Carbonara

    - a reviewer mentioned enjoying the carbonara, a traditional Italian pasta dish.
  • Goulash with Polenta

    - this was recommended by a user, although another found the goulash tough. It may depend on personal preference.
  • - one reviewer complimented the house wine, saying it was good.
  • Local Dishes

    - based on a couple of reviews, it seems the restaurant offers tasty local dishes besides pizza.

Блюда и напитки в Ristorante Della Villa Restaurant

Особенности ресторана

ужин уютная атмосфера отличный сервис обед винная карта бизнес-ланч удобное расположе­ние