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Избранное из меню Devil's Hollow Brewery

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Overall, visitors rate the price/quality ratio as reasonable to high for the food, but generally good for the beers.
  • Devil’s Delight Pizza

    - this pizza is highly recommended by many customers for its outstanding taste.
  • Nosey Bob Red Ale

    - a popular choice among beer lovers, this red ale is praised for its unique flavor.
  • Black Horn Dark Ale

    - another favorite among the beer offerings, this dark ale is also worth a try.
  • Stumped Milk Chocolate Stout

    - this stout is described as "amazing" by customers and is a must-try for stout lovers.
  • Calamari Starter with Cashews and Japanese Style Dressing

    - this appetizer is lauded for its exceptional taste and presentation.
  • Full Rack of Pork Short Ribs

    - these ribs are a hit among meat lovers for their quality and quantity.
  • Double Burger (No Bun Low Carb)

    - this dish is appreciated for its flexibility to accommodate dietary restrictions without compromising on taste.
  • Designer Pizzas

    - despite some mixed reviews, these pizzas come highly recommended by several customers for their delicious toppings.
  • Small Arms Pilsner/Helles Lager

    - this lager is highly recommended for its great taste.
  • Commotion XPA

    - this beer is also a customer favorite and worth trying.
  • Pork Belly Meal

    - a tasty option for pork lovers.