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Удобное расположение E. Leclerc позволяет легко добраться до него даже в час пик. Многие гости приходят сюда, чтобы попробовать хороший парфе. Вам понравится неплохое вино. Клиенты отрицательно отзываются о мысыре.

Посетители утверждают, что персонал в этом месте услужливый. По отзывам посетителей, сервис здесь профессиональный, но гости невысоко оценили это заведение на Google.

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One star because some food is cheap. But beware, tourists -- if your French isn’t impeccable, employees refuse to utter even a word of English. The toilets? Filthy, no toilet paper, and soapless. And if you ask, you'll get a roll. Just one for your stall. And here’s the kicker: if you dared enter without the intention of buying, prepare for imprisonment. No purchases, no exit. Leclerc, where browsing is a crime and customer service is a myth. Avoid like the plague.
3 месяца назад
Dear Customer, Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with us. We are sincerely sorry to hear that your visit to Leclerc did not meet your expectations. We take the issues you raised very seriously: Language Barrier: We apologize for the lack of communication in English. We are working on improving our service to be more welcoming to tourists and non-French speakers. Toilet Hygiene: Your comments regarding the state of the toilets are very concerning. We will immediately review our cleaning procedures to ensure an acceptable level of cleanliness and hygiene at all times. Customer Service: We deeply regret that you felt our staff was unhelpfulWe will work on improving our staff training to be more attentive to the needs of all our customers. Thank you for your constructive feedback. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we hope to have the opportunity to offer you a better experience on your next visit. Sincerely, The Leclerc Team
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I was discriminated at this place, the cashier called security on me , they insisted on checking my bag as if I had stolen something. This is not over , Monday I will report to the police.
6 месяцев назад
Bonjour Amina, Nous avons été informés de votre récente expérience dans notre établissement. Nous aimerions en apprendre davantage sur ce qui s'est passé. Pourriez-vous nous contacter pour discuter de cette situation ? Bonne journée et à bientôt. Le Service Clientèle.
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E.Leclerc classique. De taille moyenne.
ЗакрытоОткроется в 09:00
E.Leclerc на карте
© OpenStreetMap contributions
110bis Av. Jean Jaurès
Пессак, Нувель-Акитэн, Франция
110bis Av. Jean Jaurès, Пессак, Нувель-Акитэн, Франция
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