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Избранное из меню GITANJALI HÉRITAGE

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The majority of users consider the price/quality ratio to be good, with one user specifically saying there's nothing to complain about in this regard.
  • - these are highly recommended by multiple users, with comments stating they're always very good and fresh.
  • Lamb Dishes

    - one user mentions that everything from the lamb to the chicken is just perfect, suggesting the lamb dishes are worth trying.
  • Chicken Dishes

    - particularly the Chicken Tikka Massala, which was mentioned as being delicious by multiple users.
  • - despite a complaint about it being served with paneer pakoras instead, this dish seems to be a popular choice.
  • Basmati Rice

    - while one user didn't like the sweet sauce, they did mention that the rice was good.
  • Vegan and Vegetarian Options

    - these were praised for their wide selection and beautifully cooked dishes.
  • Poulet Tika Massala

    - this dish was mentioned specifically as being particularly delicious.
  • Naan au Fromage et Onions

    - this cheese and onion naan bread was singled out for praise.