
Glacier Le Coin Gourmand

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Этот ресторан находится неподалеку от Parc D'attractions Marseillan-Plage. В Glacier Le Coin Gourmand клиентам предлагают блюда французской кухни. Здесь вы можете попробовать хорошие пироги. Закажите в этом месте вкусный чуррос, блинчики и кексы.

По отзывам гостей, персонал здесь терпеливый. В этом заведении неплохой сервис. Посетители считают, что здесь впечатляющая атмосфера. Оценка этого ресторана 4.6 в рейтинге Google.

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Best of all, I don't leave a lot of reviews but just for the fact that only them are open in November, I do. I came across a simply adorable young woman, the atmosphere is nice with the music and their pancakes are just exquisite!! I recommend Service: Take out Meal type: Other Price per person: €1–10 Food: 5 Service: 5 Atmosphere: 5
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We have been loyal customers for years and have respected you for all these years. But there Mr. Guillaume you behaved very badly, certainly the error is human but not recognizing that your waffles were overcooked and dry, moreover at the time I bought them, they had remained unattended in your waffle maker for that you were serving ice cream. Moreover, both the staff and the boss are extremely friendly but the boss is cold and not at all friendly, sir, if you are tired that is still no reason to treat people the way you did. So loyalty and respect are not rewarded. And that you are in bad faith and not your faults, that is not worthy of a trader. During the week one of your employees makes us 2 waffles and they were excellent and when it's you who makes them, they are not good. You told us to look elsewhere with great arrogance when we just wanted 2 new waffles with good cooking. It is certain that we will not come back to your place again.
9 месяцев назад
Good evening, first of all I think that your arrogance and your way of being familiar with the youngest at your age I think that we need to review your education we are not friends is me the elderly people are always familiar with you this …Good evening, first of all I think that your arrogance and your way of being familiar with the youngest at your age I think that we need to review your education we are not friends is me the elderly people are always familiar with you this is called respect worth waffles we were cooked on site on request homemade dough and not frozen since we are in the sweet snack yes I cook waffles and serve 1 customer at the same time because waffles take more time than pancakes In short, you asked me to package them for you, something we don't recommend because it softens them with the condensation from the bag on the 2 waffles. You ate half of one.... You wanted them less cooked, I can't give you uncooked waffles there is a minimum of golden cooking unfortunately brief and I never told you to go fuck yourself I simply told you to go and get waffles elsewhere they may be to your taste on the other hand at no time did you stipulate that I will reimburse you for all the waffles so do not turn everything to your advantage if you are used to frozen waffles it is not with us that you will be able to find that!!!!!! On the other hand, you only had that to occupy you after coming to explain yourself, you are wasting your time writing a review for 2 waffles refunded, we cannot please everyone, this would please anyone, proof of good research of raw waffles I think you will end up finding good luck and long live retirement!!!!!!More
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Didn't have the chance to taste the ice cream, although it was tempting. The waitresses were too busy talking and laughing among themselves rather than serving the waiting customers.
9 месяцев назад
Hello as this is a shame we no longer have the right to discuss with each other we are not machines we are humans so a bit of compassion for us who are there from morning to evening with a smile and a good mood if you are sad grumpy and never mind it's not in marseillan that you have to come on vacation good luck to wonderland
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Европейская, Французская, Уличная еда
ЗакрытоОткроется в 14:00
€€€ Стоимость на одного гостя до €9
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39 Av. de la Méditerranée
Марсейан, Окситани, Франция
39 Av. de la Méditerranée, Марсейан, Окситани, Франция
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