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В этом ресторане представлены блюда итальянской кухни. Здесь вам точно стоит попробовать вкусно приготовленный сибас, полента и антипасто. Гости пишут, что в Ristorante Il Palio хорошее вино или неплохой кордиал.

Удобное расположение этого места позволяет легко добраться до него даже в час пик. По словам посетителей, персонал здесь внимательный. В этом заведении впечатляющая атмосфера. Этот ресторан имеет оценку 4.4 в рейтинговой системе Google.

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Ottimo Hotel lo consiglio buona scelta !!
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Ristorante chiuso da pochi giorni per cambio gestione (ora lo staff si è trasferito a la Cuba). Che dire, bellissimo ambiente, pulito e sempre "addobbato" per ogni occasione. La cucina spettacolare, sempre tutto buono. Il menù del giorno a 12€ era sempre ricercato e gustoso, mai ripetitivo e la qualità degli ingredienti sempre impeccabile!
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Extremely average, don't anticipate anything extra spectacularI had heard that this restaurant was good, and considering that it's inside probably the most popular hotel in Feltre, I thought we should at least try it out. When we went inside, it was empty, save for one table with a couple already enjoying their meal. The waiter was very friendly, and the establishment was very elegant - sort of European 80's chic.When we mulled over the menu, there seemed to be a lot of good choices and actually quite good prices. When ordering any meat dishes, the side was separate, but still reasonably low in price. When we got the food we saw why the prices were so low; The food was at most average, I would say they're lucky I even go that far, and the portions were considerably small. We were even charged a seating fee, which I hate here in Italy, but to be totally fair we did get bread which was apart of the 2.50 Euros seat charge. There was a little bit of music in the background, and as I said the waiter was friendly - although he seemed very confused when we didn't want to order any dessert, and questioned it. I found that a bit strange. I would say that if you are a tourist, and happen to be staying at that hotel - make the effort to go for a bit of a walk (if you don't have a car) and head into the center or the historical center, to find a better restaurant. There are many in Feltre and much better ones than this place. The food was so mediocre, I was really disappointed we chose this place.
Итальянская, Морепродукты
Может быть закрыт навсегда
€€ Стоимость на одного гостя €9 - €23
Ristorante Il Palio на карте
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Via Belluno, 47
Фельтре, Венето, Италия
Via Belluno, 47, Фельтре, Венето, Италия
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ПонедельникПн 12:00-14:30
ВторникВт 12:00-14:30
СредаСр 12:00-14:30
ЧетвергЧт 12:00-14:30
ПятницаПт 12:00-14:30
СубботаСб 12:00-14:30
ВоскресеньеВс 12:00-14:30

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