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Избранное из меню Jagdhaus Waldfrieden - Siegmund Baierle

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The reviewers describe the price/quality ratio as high, indicating that while the restaurant may be expensive, the quality of the food and service make it worth the cost.
  • Veal Shoulder Sous Vide

    - cooked at 57 degrees for several hours, this dish is mentioned as a standout by multiple reviewers.
  • Five Course Menu

    - this includes an amuse bouche, lobster pie, kale soup with wild boar ham, duck with red cabbage, stuffed apple, fine dumplings, cheese, and a dessert. Reviewers praised the variety and quality of this menu.
  • Fresh Salad

    - noted for its good dressing and variety, this salad was a hit among reviewers.
  • - described as "at its best", the cheese plate seems to be a must-try.
  • Cake

    - the cake at this restaurant is described as very tasty and served in large portions.
  • Cappuccino with Pastries

    - the cappuccino is priced the same as an espresso and comes with pastries, making it a good deal.
  • - the breakfast is highly praised by almost all reviewers, with a wide selection of breads, rolls, toppings, and cereals.
  • Red Wine from Heger

    - although one reviewer found it a bit too expensive, the wine still contributed to a lovely culinary evening.
  • Fish and Lamb Menu

    - served with Pri Secco, water, a large piece of cake, rabbit coffee, and an espresso, this menu was enjoyed by the reviewers.
  • 36 Hour Low Temperature Cooked Veal Shoulder

    - another veal dish that was described as incredibly tender and delicious.