
Kbral Kids

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Многие посетители приходят в Kbral Kids, чтобы попробовать вкусно приготовленную пиццу. Гостям не нравится персонал. Клиенты утверждают, что здесь быстрый сервис, но многие посетители этого места не очень высоко оценили его на Google.

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Monique Melo Запросить удаление информации
Apparently I wasn't the only one who wasn't well looked after. Today I went to this place to celebrate a cousin's birthday. Arriving there, around 9:30 pm, the receptionist asked if I knew how it worked, I replied that I didn't, she then said that they charged an entrance fee and the rotation was included. At no point did it say that the rotation ended at 10:30 pm. Even if you were aware that you only had 1 hour until the end of the rotation, you wouldn't stay. However, I spent more than an hour at the establishment, as soon as I arrived I approached the waitress and informed her that I had arrived shortly and if I could bring pizza to the table I was at. After about 15 minutes they brought out a mini burger. 30 minutes passed and they brought pepperoni pizza, then after asking for it to be served at the table I was at, around 10:10 pm, they brought pepperoni pizza and 3 reheated cheeses. When leaving I questioned the receptionist who was not informed that the rotation was until 10:30 pm and I still had to listen to what she said and I didn't hear it. The whole problem was that in an hour I could have left satisfied, if they had served it as a real carvery. It felt like I was begging to be served, as they were the ones who needed the customer. And in the end I informed them that I ate 1 mini burger, 3 pieces of pizza and they didn't even give a discount or apologize. It's sad how establishments like this treat customers!
Nelma Souza Запросить удаление информации
Service from the person in charge of Little Cortez! Table mounted under the ventilation structure of the door and when we asked to change it, they claimed it was not possible to change it! Despite having a kids space, I don't intend to return or recommend it! Friendliness for those who work with the public is essential!
Fernando Gonçalves Запросить удаление информации
Kbral Kids fica localizado no bairro Ano Bom, na cidade de Barra Mansa.Possui um excelente espaço para realização de festas, além de vários brinquedos que a criançada adora.Trabalham com rodízio de pizzas, sendo as mesmas muito saborosas e de massa fininha.
ЗакрытоОткроется в 18:30
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© OpenStreetMap contributions
R. João Valiante, 89, 27323-210
Барра-Манса, Рио-де-Жанейро, Бразилия
R. João Valiante, 89, Барра-Манса, Рио-де-Жанейро, Бразилия, 27323-210
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Режим работы
ПонедельникПн 18:30-22:30
ВторникВт 18:30-22:30
СредаСр 18:30-22:30
ЧетвергЧт 18:30-22:30
ПятницаПт 18:30-22:30
СубботаСб 18:30-22:30
ВоскресеньеВс 18:30-22:30

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