В этом ресторане рекомендуют заказывать блюда филиппинской кухни. Стоит зайти в King Sisig, чтобы попробовать неплохой сисиг.
ПонедельникПн | 10:00-21:00 |
ВторникВт | 10:00-21:00 |
СредаСр | 10:00-21:00 |
ЧетвергЧт | 10:00-21:00 |
ПятницаПт | 10:00-21:00 |
СубботаСб | 10:00-21:00 |
ВоскресеньеВс | 10:00-21:00 |
So we give a shot and tried this fast food sisig got the spicy pork sisig its soo good since i really love spicy foods it matches with rice!
My only complaint in this fastfood is the customer service. They keep us waiting and not assisting us properly service crew took several minutes just to get our orders they're acting like they dont hear anything.
Thats how i felt in their service.