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Посетите Aubette (L'), а потом загляните в этот ресторан. Kohler-Rehm понравится ценителям французской кухни. Шеф-повар в этом месте готовит аппетитные пироги, тарт фламбе и рыбу. Здесь стоит попробовать хорошие кексы. Вам понравится неплохое пиво. Клиенты отрицательно отзываются о капучино.

Удобное расположение этого заведения позволяет легко добраться до него на любом виде транспорта. Большинство посетителей говорят, что персонал здесь креативный. По мнению гостей, сервис потрясающий. Большинство гостей указывают на то, что интерьер в этом ресторане впечатляющий. Посетители невысоко оценили Kohler-Rehm на Google.

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Мясо не вкусное ,Но остальное нормально
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Unfriendly, arrogant staff and expensive cappuccino! Also not updated and clean.
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Kohler-Rehm is a decent tavern restaurant that features good food and Brasserie Storig house beers which are brewed at the nearby Brasserie Michel Debus brewery. This seems like a complicated arrangement, but as I understand it, the Storig beers were originally brewed here onsite until demand outpaced their capacity. The brewing was relocated and the equipment removed from the site. Perhaps under the same ownership, I’m not sure, is the famous Brasserie Michel Debus whose eponymous founder is a pioneer of Alsatian craft beer. That brewery is a larger operation and also has its own onsite restaurant. In any case, Kohler-Rehm features the Storig beers on tap and also for sale in bottles and packs. I tried 4 of the draft beers and they were better than average, but not exceptional. The tavern is located on the lower two levels of a 6-story building, on the edge of the popular Kleber square. There are several large parking decks within walking distance, which can fill up with visitors on the weekend, so try to arrive early. Strasbourg seems to be the center stage for Christmas festivities in Europe, and this square in the heart of the town has the largest Christmas tree I’ve ever seen. It is a great place to stroll around, and outside are plenty of patio tables for when the weather is nice. Overhead above a red awning is their name in white cursive letters. Just inside on the right is a bottle shop window and host stand. Their main dining area is upstairs where they have plenty of dining tables. The place has a bright social atmosphere, and the staff is welcoming and perhaps a little slow for initial service, but the kitchen is fast. The food menu is French inspired cuisine with appetizers, salads, and a variety of main dishes and desserts. The food is overall just average, but has a nice variety so there’s something for everyone. It is an enjoyable place for a meal.
Французская, Морепродукты, Подходит для вегетарианцев
Может быть закрыт навсегда
€€ Стоимость на одного гостя €11 - €20
Kohler-Rehm на карте
© OpenStreetMap contributions
13 Rue des Grandes Arcades
Страсбург, Гран Эст, Франция
13 Rue des Grandes Arcades, Страсбург, Гран Эст, Франция
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ПонедельникПн 09:00-03:00
ВторникВт 09:00-03:00
СредаСр 09:00-03:00
ЧетвергЧт 09:00-03:00
ПятницаПт 09:00-03:00
СубботаСб 09:00-03:00
ВоскресеньеВс 10:00-03:00

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