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Избранное из меню Restaurant La Bouitte

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Overall, visitors find the price/quality ratio at this restaurant to be high, though some feel that the pricing policy could be reviewed for better value.
  • Menu of Four Surprises

    - this unique dining experience offers a variety of dishes that are sure to please seafood and vegetable lovers. Paired with four different wines, this menu is an excellent choice for special occasions.
  • Pan-fried Foie Gras

    - a dish recommended for those who enjoy bold flavors.
  • Very Rare Pigeon

    - another option for adventurous eaters, this dish is praised for its rich taste.
  • Vegetables Cooked to Perfection

    - a great choice for those who prefer milder flavors, the vegetables are cooked perfectly and are said to be delicious.
  • Trout with White Butter Sabayon

    - the white butter sabayon alone makes the trout worth trying.
  • Desserts

    - offering a refreshing end to any meal, the desserts at this restaurant are highly recommended.
  • Breads

    - not just an afterthought, the breads at this restaurant are considered a delicacy in their own right.
  • Piece of Beef

    - a standout among the side dishes, the beef is well-received by diners.
  • Customized Menu

    - the chef tailors each menu to the client, creating a unique dining experience.
  • Wine Pairings

    - the sommelier's selections are noted for their successful pairing with the food.