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Избранное из меню La Meïda - Restaurant Couscous lille

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
In terms of the price/quality ratio, the reviews are mixed. Some customers believe the prices are too high for the quantity and quality of the food, while others find the prices reasonable and the dishes tasty and abundant. The service is generally appreciated, but there are some complaints about long waiting times and issues with the management.
  • Vegetable Couscous with Barbecue

    - reviewers praised the quality of this dish, mentioning that it was tasty and plentiful.
  • - this dish was noted for its tender meat, although the restaurant does not accept paper format restaurant tickets.
  • Quality Meat Couscous

    - despite some negative reviews about the couscous, several customers appreciated the good quality of the meat used in their couscous.
  • Tunisian Wines

    - the restaurant offers excellent Tunisian wines at a reasonable price, which was appreciated by the customers.
  • Semolina with Vegetables

    - some reviewers found this dish overpriced, but it could be an option for vegetarians or those who prefer lighter meals.

Блюда и напитки в La Meïda - Restaurant Couscous lille

Особенности ресторана

отличный сервис удобное расположе­ние ужин обед


парфе кексы торты выпечка профитроли


вино кофе чай