
La Poterne Меню

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Избранное из меню La Poterne

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Visitors rate the price/quality ratio for this restaurant as very reasonable and good value for money, with the exception of one visitor who found the prices exorbitant for what they perceived as mediocre quality.
  • Chorizo and Pesto Puff Pastry

    - a delicious appetizer that is certified homemade.
  • Cucurbit Velouté

    - a delightful soup made from cucurbits, perfect for starting a meal.
  • Frog Legs in Parsley Sauce

    - highly praised by guests for its excellent quality and taste.
  • - loved by the guests, this dish is a classic French dish from the Savoie and Haute Savoie region.
  • - a traditional French dish based on potatoes and crème fraîche.
  • Tarin Tart

    - a generous slice of this dessert is a pleasant surprise at the end of the meal.
  • Homemade Dishes with Garden Produce

    - the restaurant offers dishes made from fresh vegetables from their own garden.
  • Daily Menu

    - this includes a starter, main course, and dessert, all made from fresh produce.
  • Revisited Desserts

    - the restaurant offers a unique take on classic desserts, highly recommended by visitors.
  • Diabolo Grenadine

    - a refreshing non-alcoholic beverage, though some guests prefer it without ice cubes.

Блюда и напитки в La Poterne


шоколадный пирог "Лава" муалё парфе кексы торты пончики бенье пончики выпечка десерт крем-брюле крем-брюле


кофе вино сангрия


суп пироги цукини ютяо салаты мясо тартифлет буйабес комплето итальяно паэлья свинина салат из томатов салат из кабачков паштет террин стейки татарский бифштекс колбаски