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Избранное из меню La Sirena Ristorante Pizzeria

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The majority of customers find the restaurant offers excellent value for money, with high-quality food at reasonable prices.
  • Zuppa di Cozze

    - highly praised by a visitor who traveled a long distance just to taste this superb mussel soup.
  • Gluten-free pizza

    - multiple reviews mention the high quality of both their regular and gluten-free pizzas.
  • Fresh Fish

    - many customers compliment the freshness and quality of the fish served at the restaurant.
  • - mixed reviews about the risotto, some customers were not satisfied with it, mentioning it was more like rice with fish.
  • Frittura di Calamari

    - the fried calamari received positive comments, although one customer mentioned the portion size was small.
  • - a traditional Sicilian dish that got a perfect review from a customer.
  • Ostriche

    - the oysters were described as the best a customer ever had.
  • Pasta with Fish

    - praised by a customer as perfect.