
Le Celtique

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Многие посетители утверждают, что в этом ресторане хороший кофе. По отзывам гостей, персонал здесь услужливый. По мнению клиентов, сервис роскошный. В Le Celtique посетителям нравится спокойная атмосфера. Это место имеет оценку 4.3 в рейтинговой системе Google.

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Joel always attentive
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Excellent new owner Price per person: €30–40 Food: 5 Service: 5 Atmosphere: 5
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In the heart of Olivet, a jewel, the “Celtique” stands, A place of life, of sharing, where every moment is urgent. My parents, there, found morning comfort, Sharing croissants and sweets, a friendly ritual. With my daughters, they shared these sweet moments, Beautiful mornings, sprinkled with pastries. In this warm, almost family atmosphere, They weaved memories, a sentimental thread. I came for stamps, and my daily packet, Not to smoke within its walls, but to soothe my sorrow. Each cigarette, far from it, burned my anxieties, In the smoke, my thoughts found their way, their voices. The owner, the waitresses, with their smile and their grace, made “Le Celtique” a place out of space. Their kindness, a light in the tumult of the day, illuminated the place, gave each visit its contours. Today, these days are pearls in my memory, “The Celtic”, a sanctuary of my history. A tribute to this place, to these people, I want to pay, For their kindness, their welcome, I want to hear them. In these verses, I place my emotions, my nostalgia, Like the customers, in their glass, found shelter. More than a tobacco bar, a restaurant, it was a home, Where each memory, with tenderness, comes to drown. One day, perhaps, I will pass through this door again, Reliving these moments, these smiles, this powerful era. “The Celtic”, a chapter of my life, an enchanting story, A place where time suspends its flight, in its heart, my happiness.
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€€€ Стоимость на одного гостя до €9
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