
Le Grotte Blu

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В Le Grotte Blu есть еда, пиво и многое другое
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В этом кафе клиентам предлагают блюда итальянской кухни, все это представлено в меню ресторана.

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Dégueulasse, immangeable, a fuir
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Lovely perfect views from this restaurant which has a bar and a private beach - hidden at the East end of Procida di Mare. Upon hopping off the ferry onto the island, you'll wanna go right and keep walking passed the ticketing building. The beach is paid entry to use an umbrella covered lounge chair. Come prepared with suit, sunglasses, sunscreen and lotsa time :) Dine on their covered breezy deck with spectacular relaxing views. Munch and chug, maybe read a book... I wasn't prepared because I expected to do more exploring and hiking through the island. But with shared company, one compromised. I was able to chill on their restaurant dining deck and walk around the mare to see more views. Really serene experience. I tried gnocchi. Many of you know this fact, but I didn't know they're made of potatoes. I was complimenting on how cute they look; reminded me of tiny potatoes. This was one kinda meal to make feel well fed. Guess my favorite part?! Using the bread to dip in the sauce!
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© OpenStreetMap contributions
Via Roma 153, 80079
Прочида, Кампания, Италия
Via Roma 153, Прочида, Кампания, Италия, 80079

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