
Le Petit Paysan Меню

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The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant has mixed reviews. Some customers found the prices reasonable for the quality of products while others thought the prices were not adapted to the quality of the products.
  • Fondue 3 Fromages

    - a delicious Swiss three-cheese fondue that is a must-try.
  • Individual Fondues

    - the restaurant offers unique individual fondues which are highly recommended by visitors.
  • - the raclette is highly praised, especially for the unlimited cheese and potatoes.
  • - the burger has been described as the best ever by some visitors.
  • - customers have complimented the rib steak, stating it was great.
  • Fondue Paysanne

    - this dish comes with good and abundant charcuterie and unlimited cheese.
  • Savoyard Fondue (Children's formula)

    - although it needs to be reformulated according to age and quantity, it's still worth a try.
  • Crepe Rice

    - recommended for dessert.
  • - the wine has been described as beyond expectation.
  • - the coffee is highly praised and is said to deserve its name.

Блюда и напитки в Le Petit Paysan

Особенности ресторана

отличный сервис вежливый персонал обед ужин удобное расположе­ние


парфе блины блинчики торты кексы нуга сорбет мороженое муалё шоколадный пирог "Лава" флан che


вино кофе белое вино ликёр кордиал шардоне


дукка сыр раклет фондю тартифлет мясо стейки салаты мысыр татарский бифштекс бургеры комплето итальяно гамбургеры говядина сочный стейк антрекот стейк из филе тальятелле паста качамак равиоли картофель фри кауса галеты даблс гратен дофинуа запеканка свинина пироги террин бонда колбаски филе-миньон рыба ютяо