
Ristorante Luci Меню

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Избранное из меню Ristorante Luci

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Some reviewers found the prices to be high, but others considered them fair for the quality of the food. Overall, the price/quality ratio is mixed.
  • First Courses

    - many reviewers praised the first courses at this restaurant, especially the Scialatielli al Montepulciano, a pasta dish with red wine and bacon. It was described as being from a "manual," indicating it was perfectly executed.
  • Wild Boar and Lamb Ragù

    - this meat dish was highly rated by one reviewer, who found it to be very good.
  • Pappardelle al Cinghiale

    - this pasta dish with wild boar was described as excellent and abundant.
  • Scamorza

    - a type of cheese, this was described as the best one reviewer had ever eaten.
  • - the appetizers served on cutting boards were praised for their quality and presentation.
  • Agnello Scottadito and Stinco

    - these lamb dishes were described as fantastic.
  • - the wine at this restaurant received positive reviews.
  • - the dessert was criticized for being almost empty and covered in white chocolate with a caramel topping.
  • Pasta with Bacon and Red Wine

    - one reviewer did not enjoy this dish, stating the bacon did not taste like bacon.
  • Radicchio Side Dish

    - this was described as inedible.

Блюда и напитки в Ristorante Luci

Особенности ресторана

удобное расположе­ние вежливый персонал отличный сервис обед на свежем воздухе годовщина ужин


выпечка профитроли торты панна-котта тирамису


ликёр кордиал вино кофе домашнее вино эспрессо cпритц ристретто марсала граппа десертные вина шерри сухой херес


паппарделле антипасто рагу сыр паста горгонзола полента мясо комплето итальяно татарский бифштекс мезе тальятелле ньокки сальсичча бульон суп бекон буррата ньокки с горгондзоллой морской черт соус сальса равиоли рыба кауса салями рикотта брускетта с помидорами вяленая подкопченная ветчина качамак мясо ягнёнка пастилла пастелес pasteles спагетти пицца кростата колбаски прошутто стейки антрекот сочный стейк свинина фриттеры говядина тюрингенский Фарш фаттех моцарелла тальята