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Попробуйте блюда корейской кухни в Waba. Все клиенты этого места советуют заказать неплохие морепродукты, свинину и суп со свининой. Посетители утверждают, что здесь потрясающий сервис.

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I'd give 4.5 if i could. Really good dolsot bibimbap and pork bone soup! Only 3 simple side dishes (kimchi, potato, sprouts) but they were very well done with great flavor. Service was efficient.
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This place is nothing special. Ordered the Pork Katsu ramen soup and though the pork katsu was decent, the ramen soup tasted like packaged noodles I could make at home. Their kimchi also tasted a bit bland. The service as well was not that great. Would not return.
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Food and price is pretty standard, nothing to write home about. Don't expect to get service unless you order booze otherwise this one waittress will just roll her eyes at you if you complain. Wanted to like this place as food was acceptable but what makes dining out worthless is not getting respectful service or left behind feeling second class, leaving nothing but a bad taste behind. Definitely better options with friendlier service along North Road or if you're really desperate, order take out but then what's the point, might as well eat at the food court while saving a couple of loonies. Didn't pay to receive bad attitude so I will take my business somewhere else where I can experience authentic Korean etiquette and heart warming food. See ya Waba.
ЗакрытоОткроется в 11:30
₽₽ Стоимость на одного гостя CAD 16
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© OpenStreetMap contributions
8-228 Schoolhouse Street, V3K
Кокуитлам, Британская Колумбия, Канада
8-228 Schoolhouse Street, Кокуитлам, Британская Колумбия, Канада, V3K
Возможна оплата картами Еда навынос
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ПонедельникПн 11:30-22:00
ВторникВт 11:30-22:00
СредаСр 11:30-22:00
ЧетвергЧт 11:30-22:00
ПятницаПт 11:30-22:00
СубботаСб 11:30-22:00
ВоскресеньеВс 12:00-21:30

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