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Избранное из меню Monsieur Jeannot - Restaurant Cuisine Traditionnelle - 18 rue des Cornières 47000 Agen

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio at this restaurant is generally seen as good. The dishes are homemade, delicious, and served in generous quantities. However, some customers found certain items (like the punch and desserts) to be overpriced.
  • Magret de Canard (Duck Breast)

    - this dish was highly praised, especially when served with peaches. It's excellently prepared and a must-try.
  • - a traditional dish that is not only delicious but also served in generous portions. You won't leave hungry!
  • Country Pate

    - a standout appetizer, perfect for starting your meal.
  • Roast Pork

    - very well received by the customers. An excellent choice for meat lovers.
  • - named as the best in the region. Definitely worth trying.
  • Prune Ice Cream

    - a unique dessert with a hint of Armagnac. A sweet way to end your meal.
  • Terrine du Chef

    - another highly recommended dish, perfect for those who want to try something different.
  • Plateau Gastronomie

    - while some elements were criticized (like the duck carcass and the dry manchon), it could be an interesting choice for more adventurous eaters.
  • - although it was considered a bit expensive, it was also mentioned as tasty.