
Mountain Merchant

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Хорошо проведите здесь время с друзьями и попробуйте аппетитные сэндвичи для завтрака, салаты и свинину. Многие гости приходят сюда, чтобы заказать неплохие маффины. Среди напитков особенно выделяют хорошее пиво. После долгой рабочей недели здесь можно отдохнуть и попробовать вкусный кофе.

Вы обязательно оцените спокойную атмосферу и впечатляющий камин. Средний рейтинг Mountain Merchant на Google 4.1.

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Best Philly cheesesteak !!! Mike makes ‘em fresh every few hrs and actually cares ! Great quick stop for quick eat and supplies
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My guess is this place will be going out of business soon. No more deli section making breakfast sandwiches, subs, etc. Just a limited supply of the usual boxed and canned foods, snacks, auto supplies, etc. Beer cave is the only marginally decent section, but prices are sky high. One person working at the register, very sad vibe.
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The owner/manager of the Mountain Merchant assumed that my service dog was NOT a service dog, rudely insisting I provide paperwork immediately as I proceeded towards the front door. It was his tone that was revealing- rude a$$hole - I will NEVER go to his establishment. Instead, I went down the road to a grocery store, entered with my small pup without any questions. I am an Air Force Veteran, served 10 years. I don't believe in BS. My dog is in the process of gaining therapy status, and training to be my emotional and physical support dog. She is sweet and kind, and anyone who does not respect her, I do not respect. Anyone that meets my pup is better off for meeting her- she is a beacon of love, hope, and joy. Don't shop at the JOY-SUCKING store called the Mountain Merchant. I told the guy that I would write this review, I am a person of my word. I have found that people like him receive the CRAP that they dish out--- eventually. The business will eventually go bankrupt: my assessment.
Открыт сейчас 09:00 - 21:00
₽₽ Стоимость на одного гостя $10 - $25
Mountain Merchant на карте
© OpenStreetMap contributions
2384 Killington Rd
Киллингтон, Вермонт, США
2384 Killington Rd, Киллингтон, Вермонт, США
Возможна оплата картами Нет доставки Доступ для кресел-каталок ТВ
Режим работы
ПонедельникПн 08:00-21:00
ВторникВт 09:00-21:00
СредаСр 08:00-21:00
ЧетвергЧт 08:00-21:00
ПятницаПт 08:00-22:00
СубботаСб 08:00-22:00
ВоскресеньеВс 08:00-21:00

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