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Обязательно загляните в этот бар, если окажетесь неподалёку от Les Jardins Bioves. Шеф-повар в O'Frais готовит аппетитные салаты, лазанью и тапас. Закажите здесь вкусный парфе и неплохие кексы. В этом месте можно попробовать хорошее вино, сухой херес или cпритц.

По мнению гостей, персонал здесь приятный. Посетителям нравится потрясающий сервис. В этом заведении средние цены. Многим гостям нравится уютная атмосфера. Оценка этого бара 4.5 на Google.

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Отличное место, прекрасный Дмитрий официант. Если вкусные устрицы, фуагра и пиццу! Быстрое обслуживание и вкусно!!!!
2 года назад
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Каждый посетитель найдёт вино на свой вкус из самых лучших сортов винограда. В противном случае, у Дмитрия всегда есть альтернатива!
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My recent visit to O'Frais left me with mixed feelings and a disappointment that lingered long after the meal. With high expectations, I entered the restaurant hoping for a delightful culinary experience. However, my experience fell short in several aspects, leading me to assign a mere 2 stars out of 5 to O'Frais. Firstly, the issue that left a sour taste in my mouth was the discrepancy in pricing. The menu displayed prices that were significantly lower than what we were charged for our meal. Whether this discrepancy was intentional or not, it undoubtedly cast a shadow of doubt on the restaurant's integrity. Such a glaring error is enough to undermine the overall dining experience and erode trust between the establishment and its patrons. Secondly, the quality of the food failed to impress. We opted for the duck dish and the fish dish of the day. To my astonishment, both dishes, whether meat or vegetables, carried a strong fishy taste. This peculiar occurrence left me speculating whether the kitchen employed shared cooking surfaces, diminishing the flavors of distinct dishes. The lack of distinction between flavors left much to be desired and detracted from what could have been a memorable meal. Furthermore, the restaurant's pricing structure raises eyebrows. Considering the lackluster taste, unremarkable design, and average location, the hefty bill seemed unjustified. One would naturally expect a higher level of culinary innovation and ambiance for the prices charged at O'Frais. Unfortunately, the restaurant failed to deliver on these fronts, leaving diners questioning the value of their dining experience. Lastly, the service left me with mixed feelings. While the waiter attempted to convey a sense of warmth, I couldn't help but detect an air of unprofessionalism and arrogance. This attitude greatly impacted the overall experience, making me question whether the staff truly prioritized customer satisfaction. In conclusion, my visit to O'Frais was far from satisfactory. The inconsistent pricing, puzzling flavors, mismatched value proposition, and mixed service experiences all contributed to my decision to award the restaurant only 2 stars out of 5. O'Frais has potential, but it needs substantial improvements in various aspects to rise above its current mediocrity and regain the trust of discerning diners. Price per person: €20–30 Food: 1 Service: 3 Atmosphere: 1
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Коктейль-бары, Пицца, Винные бары
ЗакрытоОткроется в 07:00
€€ Стоимость на одного гостя €9 - €22
O'Frais на карте
© OpenStreetMap contributions
9 Av. de Verdun
Ментона, Прованс — Альпы — Лазурный Берег, Франция
9 Av. de Verdun, Ментона, Прованс — Альпы — Лазурный Берег, Франция
Веранда Возможна оплата картами Нет доставки Еда навынос Бронирование столиков Доступ для кресел-каталок
Режим работы
ПонедельникПн 07:00-00:15
ВторникВт 07:00-00:15
СредаСр 07:00-00:15
ЧетвергЧт 07:00-00:15
ПятницаПт 07:00-00:15
СубботаСб 14:00-00:15
ВоскресеньеВс 08:00-00:15

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