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Избранное из меню Old House At Home

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Overall, visitors rate the price/quality ratio for this restaurant as very good. The food is described as good quality and reasonably priced, with exceptional value for money.
  • Small Breakfast

    - highly recommended by multiple reviewers for its quality and reasonable price.
  • - a popular choice among kids.
  • Sunday Roast

    - described as home-cooked, very tasty, with huge portions and exceptional value for money.
  • Fish (Rock) and Chips

    - considered by some as the best they've ever tasted.
  • - haven't been tried by reviewers but look amazing according to one.
  • Big Breakfast

    - massive and one of the best breakfasts reviewers have had. Also available in a gluten-free version.
  • Savaloy and Chips

    - described as part of the best meal ever had by a reviewer.
  • Home-made Bubble & Squeak and Black Pudding

    - included in the superb breakfast, with a choice of what you do or don’t want.
  • Vegan Versions of all the Mains

    - now available and highly praised.
  • Lager and Ales

    - a decent place for a quick pint.