Этот ресторан находится неподалеку от Tour de l'Ale. Panares Gourmet имеет рейтинг 4.7 на Facebook.
ПонедельникПн | Закрыт |
ВторникВт | 09:30-14:30 |
СредаСр | 09:30-15:00 |
ЧетвергЧт | 09:30-22:00 |
ПятницаПт | 09:30-22:00 |
СубботаСб | Закрыт |
ВоскресеньеВс | 08:00-15:30 |
We were very exited to visit the place, but despite of not being anyone present in the store, when they showed up they told us they were not serving food anymore. When inquiring they said owner chose to not serve food despite this being sold as a restaurant.
We were clueless on why backend staff was present at all.
Really dissapointing.