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Очень понравилось! Приятно удивили десерты! Удобен как для больших групп, так и для семей с детьми!
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accueil horrible
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The worst restaurant I have ever tried in France, technically it's not even in Paris. I assume the other branches are the same as this one. I normally don't write reviews no matter good or bad, but I am really angry and disappointed. Service: people don't seem to be understand what the orders are. They brought the wrong plate first when we ask for fresh sea snails, we got deep fried samosa-like food. When theres a soup rice that was supposed to be served with crabs, no one came to explain until we finished the crab, they offered "we can pack it for you to bring home." Environment: noisy to the point that if I want to have a fight with people, I'm still worried the other wouldn't hear me. And people are really messy with food, some even broke the entire table. Quality of the food: the crab was okay (don't know how it tastes with the soup), grilled seafood platter was DISGUSTING! The food tasted like plastics. It was supposed to be a celebration, yet I think I got the worst experience ever in this restaurant. I have also got the worst memory here before leaving France. Bravo! You nailed it, Pedra Alta!
Фото с Yelp
Португальская, Морепродукты
Может быть закрыт навсегда
€€ Стоимость на одного гостя €40
Pedra Alta на карте
© OpenStreetMap contributions
64 Rue Marcel Cachin
Иври-сюр-Сен, Иль-де-Франс, Франция
64 Rue Marcel Cachin, Иври-сюр-Сен, Иль-де-Франс, Франция
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Режим работы
ПонедельникПн Закрыт
ВторникВт 12:00-15:00
СредаСр 12:00-15:00
ЧетвергЧт 12:00-15:00
ПятницаПт 12:00-17:00
СубботаСб 12:00-17:00
ВоскресеньеВс Закрыт

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