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Избранное из меню Polpetta Fusion Restaurant & Take away ( Indian & Italian food)

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Based on the reviews, the price/quality ratio for this restaurant is reasonable. It seems that the Indian cuisine is more favored than the Italian dishes.
  • Indian Shared Platter

    - a delicious and substantial starter that is perfect for sharing.
  • - a favorite among customers, definitely worth a try.
  • Squid Dishes

    - highly recommended by visitors.
  • - surprisingly amazing according to reviews.
  • Pulled Pork

    - delicious and well-prepared.
  • Beef Meatballs with Stroganoff Sauce

    - good in both size and taste.
  • Vegan Meatballs

    - very tasty and a great option for vegans.
  • - a popular side dish.
  • - especially good, part of the large portions of naan bread.
  • Virgin Mojito

    - might be a hit or miss based on reviews, but worth a try if you like lighter drinks.

Блюда и напитки в Polpetta Fusion Restaurant & Take away ( Indian & Italian food)