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Избранное из меню Lido San Francesco

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio seems to be generally appreciated by customers, although there are some criticisms about certain dishes being overpriced, such as the fried food and the buffet at the beach. Some also found the pizza to be average and not worth the cost. However, others found the prices to be in keeping with the quality of the food, particularly for the gluten-free pizza and the buffala pizza.
  • Divine Risotto

    - highly praised by a user, this dish is definitely worth trying.
  • Fried Food

    - a user mentioned that the fried food "melted in their mouth", indicating a high level of satisfaction.
  • Gluten-Free Pizza

    - for those with dietary restrictions, the gluten-free pizza has been positively reviewed.
  • - one user claimed it was the best ice cream they've had lately, making it a must-try dessert.
  • - despite some issues with service, the carpaccio was noted as being good.
  • Buffala Pizza

    - this pizza was specifically mentioned in relation to its decent price at the beach location.
  • - while not specified, antipasti were mentioned as being consistently good throughout the year.
  • Desserts

    - similar to antipasti, desserts were also mentioned as being consistently satisfying.

Блюда и напитки в Lido San Francesco


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