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Избранное из меню San Pietro Windermere Restaurant

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Visitors rate the price/quality ratio for this restaurant as great. While some dishes may be a bit pricey, the quality of the food and the overall dining experience make it worth it.
  • - this appetizer is a hit among customers for its rich flavor.
  • - a must-try dish, it's been described as the best some customers have ever had.
  • Blade of Beef

    - cooked to perfection, this dish is a great choice for meat lovers.
  • - soft and crispy, this calamari is praised for focusing on the seafood rather than the breading.
  • Carbonara

    - described as the best some customers have ever had, this dish is highly recommended.
  • - this fish is cooked perfectly and comes highly recommended.
  • - the generous amount of filling, velvety pasta, and perfectly balanced sauce make this dish a star.
  • - with the perfect ratio of mascarpone cream to coffee-drenched biscuits, this dessert is a must-try.
  • - customers say this is the best they've had so far.
  • - the prawns are a good size and the garlic oil sauce is described as lovely.
  • King Prawn Starter

    - this starter is excellent and well worth the price.
  • Fillet Steak with Peppercorn Sauce and Fries

    - while a bit pricey, customers describe this meal as excellent.
  • Lamb Dumplings

    - these dumplings come highly recommended.
  • Lasagne

    - this classic Italian dish is praised for its taste.
  • Italian Wines

    - with a wide selection of reds and whites, the wine list is a hit among customers.
  • House Rioja

    - pairs perfectly with the beef main.

Блюда и напитки в San Pietro Windermere Restaurant