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Избранное из меню Scratch Farm Kitchen

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Visitors rate the price/quality ratio as a bit pricey, but most believe it's totally worth it due to the delicious and fresh food.
  • Veggie Burger

    - a must-try with rave reviews from multiple visitors.
  • Comfort Bowls

    - highly recommended, especially for those looking for healthy options.
  • Lavender Lemonade

    - refreshing and unique, perfect for a hot day.
  • - a delightful beverage that pairs well with any dish.
  • - received an enthusiastic "wow" from a customer.
  • Pretty Plate with Chicken

    - fresh and delicious, highly recommended by a visitor.
  • Pulled Pork Lunch Burrito with Veggie Hash

    - comes with a sauce that was described as "bomb".
  • - tasty choice with an herby vinaigrette.
  • - kids loved it, indicating it's a family-friendly choice.
  • - a great side dish to complement your main course.
  • Yellow Curry with Potatoes & Carrots

    - described as the best bite.
  • Grits with Tofu

    - a favorite among some customers, though others found the grits runny.
  • - unexpectedly delicious, even for those who didn't think they liked fish curry.
  • Boudini

    - highly recommended with a side of fruit.
  • - the best some customers have ever had, described as moist and delicious.
  • Hash Bowl

    - excellent choice, especially when paired with lemonade.
  • KISS Plate

    - comes with the best toast because of their butter and mango jam.
  • Curry Bowl with Tofu

    - fresh and delicious, a great vegetarian option.
  • Pickled Beets

    - unique and amazing, not something you see everywhere.
  • Lima Beans

    - flavorful and vegan, a rare find.