
La Tarantella Меню

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Избранное из меню La Tarantella

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is generally rated as very good or excellent. The prices are considered affordable and reasonable for the quality of the food and service offered.
  • Pizza with San Daniele and buffalo mozzarella

    - a decent pizza with quality ingredients.
  • Vesuvio Pizza

    - praised for its good dough and quality ingredients.
  • Tarantella Pizza

    - another pizza variant that received positive reviews for its quality and taste.
  • Neapolitan Pastiera

    - a delicious traditional Italian dessert.
  • - various pasta dishes were commended, including spaghetti bolognese.
  • - a mixed fried seafood dish that was mentioned as very tasty.
  • Verdure Grigliate

    - grilled vegetables that were appreciated by visitors.
  • Parma and Burrata Platter

    - an appetizer that was ordered multiple times, although there was a complaint about the lack of plates.
  • Grilled Calamari

    - recommended by a visitor who enjoyed the food and service.
  • Vino di Tavola

    - table wine that was complimented for its quality.
  • - the famous dessert by Mr. Tony was highlighted for its quality.

Блюда и напитки в La Tarantella


пицца рыба морской черт кальмары морепродукты мясо паста фритто мисто свинина антипасто спагетти бульон суп сыр моцарелла паста карбонара зеппола татарский бифштекс ньокки пицца по-неаполитански качамак итальянская пицца макароны перья лосось жареная пицца сальсичча прошутто комплето итальяно тюрингенский Фарш котлеты пицца маринара пицца с морепродуктами крустад соус сальса рагу из листьев габи ризотто спагетти вонголе рагу пицца Бьянка пицца Маргарита сибас мезе фаттех тренетте сочный стейк салаты паштет террин антрекот стейки говядина