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Избранное из меню The Black Sheep Pub

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Many visitors found the food and drinks to be quite expensive for what they offer, suggesting that the price/quality ratio is not very high.
  • Haggis Nachos

    - highly recommended by several visitors, they seem to be a hit at this pub. The dish is praised for its fantastic taste.
  • Chicken Cajun Tagliatelle

    - this dish is described as delicious, with the warmth of the Cajun spices, lots of chicken pieces, peppers, and onions.
  • Vegetarian Korma

    - a great option for vegetarians, it comes with rice and nan bread and is described as excellent.
  • Kids menu

    - it is noted as fresh and delicious, making it a good choice for families with children.
  • Irn Bru

    - this drink received positive reviews and was described as excellent.
  • Selection of Beers and Whiskies

    - they have a nice selection of beers and whiskies, though some visitors found the whisky to be too expensive.

Блюда и напитки в The Black Sheep Pub




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