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Избранное из меню The Plough at Eaves

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Most visitors rate the price/quality ratio as reasonable or competitive, with great food and service. However, there was one negative review where the customer and their son didn't enjoy their meals.
  • - this dish came highly recommended from a satisfied customer who praised its deliciousness.
  • Sunday Roast

    - multiple reviews singled out the Sunday roast as being "utterly amazing" and "plentiful". It also comes in kid-sized portions.
  • - this classic seafood and meat combo was highly recommended by several reviewers.
  • Steak and Ale Pie

    - this traditional British dish was praised for its quality and taste.
  • - a must-try dessert, noted for being "to die for".
  • Friday Fish and Chip deal

    - this special offer was appreciated for its deliciousness and the extra touch of gravy and curry sauce.
  • Thai Crispy Beef Salad

    - one reviewer was pleasantly surprised at how tender the beef was in this dish.
  • Ploughman's Lunch

    - a classic British cold meal that did not disappoint one reviewer.
  • Salt and Pepper Wings

    - these starters were described as "perfect" and well-portioned.
  • Tempura Prawns

    - another starter that was praised for its perfection and decent portion size.
  • Gammon and Chips

    - a reviewer highly recommended this dish after barely managing to finish it due to its generous size.
  • - this Japanese dish was enjoyed by a customer who found it satisfying.
  • - the restaurant offers a nice selection of beers that customers found enjoyable.
  • - reviewers mentioned a good choice of wine at competitive prices.

Блюда и напитки в The Plough at Eaves


торт «Павлова» пудинг торты пудинг из ирисок мороженое крамбл


пиво эль биттер кофе вино бочковой эль бочковое пиво чай белое вино


мясо рыба говядина сэндвичи татарский бифштекс мясо ягнёнка ростбиф птица курица стейки куриная грудка бико курица с кокосом горячие сэндвичи сэндвичи с говядиной и плавленым сыром тушеная грудинка хрустящая говядина стейк из филе окорок фиш энд чипс ассорти на гриле рисовые шарики ветчина креветки морепродукты свинина бефстроганов лосось гребешки грудинка пироги суп говяжья грудинка паштет террин салаты сыр мясные пирожки мясные сэндвичи куриное филе колбаски бульон тапай рис курица с соусом карри пирог с рыбой цветная капуста лавар цветная капуста с сыром филей луковый сыр луковый пирог грибы пироги с сыром котлеты из ягненка котлеты сэндвичи с ветчиной говядина с луком морской окунь чёрный пудинг французский багет сэндвичи с сыром стейк-бургеры сэндвичи с ветчиной и сыром рибай сирлойн-стейк луковые кольца путо