
The Wishing Well Меню

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The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Most reviewers agree that the food at this restaurant is reasonably priced for the quality. However, some found the drinks to be a little overpriced.
  • Sunday Roast Pork

    - this dish comes highly recommended by multiple reviewers. It includes roast and mashed potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, a variety of vegetables, and plenty of gravy. The crackling is also noted to be crispy and delicious. The price of £13.95 is considered reasonable for the quantity and quality of the meal.
  • - this was mentioned as a satisfying vegetarian option.
  • Lunch Menu

    - reviewers often go for the lunch menu, stating that it's very good. Specific dishes weren't mentioned, but the overall satisfaction suggests that it's worth trying.
  • Chips and Sandwiches

    - these are suggested as good options for a light snack after a walk, although one reviewer was disappointed when they were not available.
  • Special Requests

    - one reviewer mentioned that the chef was willing to cook something not on the menu, suggesting that visitors might be able to request dishes tailored to their preferences.
  • Double Vodka and Tonic

    - while one reviewer found the price of £9.50 a bit high, they still mentioned it, suggesting that it might be worth trying for vodka lovers.

Блюда и напитки в The Wishing Well


торты чизкейк йоркширский пудинг мороженое пудинг капкейки брауни панна-котта песочное печенье


эль пиво тоник шоколад вино джин чай скотч виски


мясо мясные пирожки стейки пироги дукка фиш энд чипс рыба ростбиф жаркое из свинины попара картофельное пюре ассорти на гриле печеный картофель сэндвичи рибай морепродукты картофель фри креветки салаты свинина пикша сыр говядина луковые кольца тартар стейк флэт-айрон стейк на гриле террин паштет пироги с курицей лосось путо филей птица куриные крылышки курица горячие сэндвичи яйца по-шотландски белая рыба голубиная грудка королевские креветки чёрный пудинг сэндвичи с говядиной и плавленым сыром копченый лосось бургеры окорок грибы